Archive for the ‘SHARC’ Category

Happy Veterans Day and thank you to all of my fellow shipmates, grunts, devil dogs, flyboys, etc. for your service and sacrifice! You will always be held with greatest honor in my heart.

So… shame on me–it’s been a LONG time since I last posted anything, and I won’t make excuses for the shameful hiatus but I will say that I have been working diligently on several projects and am in the midst of that good ol’ NaNoWriMo once again. This time I am working on the SHARC story I have been wanting to tackle for a very long time (I came up with the characters when I was sitting at the MEPS station in 1992!). I’ve already written through several short stories that introduce the type of characters, which will be released when NaNo is over and I have the time and the focus to revise them properly. Here, at least, is the working cover:


Along with them are one other big project that I started the revision on using Holly Lisle’s “How to Revise Your Novel” course. I ran an old novel through the wringer and when the other two projects are out there, I will be able to do my type-in for that and announce more details the closer it gets to publication. Right now it is called Song & Sigil and it will be part of a steampunk series, Dross Mechanica.

So, back to the writing software…

I hope I can be back before too long!