Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I’m Tired Too

Posted: January 9, 2024 in Uncategorized

I missed the last blog, and shame on me for not just writing a bunch at once and queueing them up in case of an emergency. Which it was, last time and this week too.

At least I can provide a little update to you who read this regularly: I’ve been caring for family members and also ended up a bit under the weather myself as a result, so everything was hit by those setbacks. I will in all likelihood not have a story ready for this month’s Storytime BlogHop but, time permitting and if the others participate, I will at least link their stories. My blog and my newsletter have both been kinda meh, but that’s really because my priority (besides my family, of course) is getting the current project done. So far, it’s on track, but I am quickly consuming the time I built into the schedule for days like this.

I’m still looking for something more portable to help with production while I sit in the waiting rooms – Santa didn’t bring me my ReMarkable, hahaha – so there’s that. I just have to keep relying on the old pad and paper and hope I can read my writing afterward.

Still, I’m excited to be getting through the last leg of the Cyberpunk/Detective Noir novel and am EAGER to share with you all. Sign up for my newsletter to get more detailed dates, and possibly also get the opportunity to beta read.

SO… it just occurred to me (this being Thursday, and the day in question of the should-have-been being Tuesday) that I neglected to set up the blog to point you, my fabulous readers, in the direct of the cool thing going on. Possibly I should set these up as their own page, and I have a few months to get it prepared, but for now:

There’s this cool thing in which I am participating with other writers: StoryTime BlogHop. Every quarter, a bunch of free 1000-word flash fiction stories you can read with a web of links at the bottom so you can read them all in any order (the “Hop” part of that coming into play). Because it’s on a different page, I’ll give you the link here to get you started:

TIMELESS by T. R. Neff

And if that wasn’t bad enough, I forgot to turn on the comments. Like I said, technically challenged…

"Reading a book in train" by alubavin is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Reading a book in train” by alubavin, CCBY2.0

As of today (1MAR2023), my titles are available on Kindle Unlimited — but only for a limited time!

So, whatcha waiting for? Go over there and get reading!

Also, don’t forget to check out the promos in the sidebar for all genres of fiction reading goodness.